Waterfall Train Station, NSW

MTMS (More Trains, More Services) Stage 2 – Waterfall Stabling Yard & Train Station Upgrade, NSW

Client: Laing O’Rourke
Scope: Permanent Soil Nails, Horizontal Wall Drainage, Shotcrete

Ormond Civil collaborated with Laing O’Rourke on upgrades along the rail corridor of the T4 Illawara commuter and goods railway line, which provides services between Sydney and the Illawarra & South Coast regions. Works centered around the suburb of Waterfall, which is the last suburb in the Sydney metropolitan area. Part of these upgrades required installation of new retaining walls, both piled walls and soil nail walls, along the boundary to widen the rail corridor. These works enabled more tracks to be provided for the new stabling yard to accommodate additional trains and introduce a freight loop.

 Scope of works included steel fixing and installing 2,000m2 of shotcrete
along the piled retaining walls, and construction of soil nail retaining
batters, during excavation works. Construction of the batters involved
drill & install of 1,100 permanent soil nails, drill & install of 500 horizontal
drains, and steel fixing & spraying of 4,000m2 of shotcrete

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