Yanchep Railway Extension, WA

Yanchep Railway Extension, Western Australia
Client: NEWest Alliance (CPB & Downer)
Scope: Shotcrete Work

 The Yanchep Rail Extension is the final stage of the Joondalup Line from Butler, 14.5 kilometres north to Yanchep to help support ongoing
growth in the area and reduce congestion.
Ormond Civil collaborated with NEWest, a CPB and Downer JV, to complete 10,000m2 of Steel-Fixing & Shotcrete works, including steel trowel with a gun finish, along the future Railway corridor. With a large workforce, Ormond took on multiple work fronts simultaneously, with walls ranging from 2m to 13m high, to achieve the clients difficult programme constraints. To achieve the clients desired outcome, works included nightworks, weekend works, working from heights and coordinating multiple crews across an extensive 14.5km site

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